Denise Saint Arnault, PhD, RN, FAAN
Professor, School of Nursing; MiStory Founder and Director; Center for Japanese Studies Director
Dr. Saint Arnault’s research centers on gender, cultural and social influences on mental health, trauma recovery, and help seeking. She develops and tests her Cultural Determinants of Help Seeking theory in research with women in over a dozen countires. She uses mixed methods to discover how distress experiences, culturally based meanings (such as stigma and sense of coherence), social support, and social negativity impact the help seeking journey. Her Clinical Ethnographic Narrative Interview (CENI) provides a transcultural method that allows people to explore the cultural and social influences in their search for health, and also promotes self-awareness and active engagement in the help-seeking process. She also examines cultural factors that influence meaning, expectation, and expression of depression. She is a core faculty in the Michigan Mixed Method Research and Scholarship Program.
Laura Sinko, PhD, RN, CCTS-I
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, School of Public Health
Dr. Laura Sinko is a mental health nurse and sexual assault nurse examiner by clinical training. She received her PhD from the University of Michigan and postdoctoral training at the National Clinician Scholar program at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Sinko’s research interests surround healing and recovery after gender-based violence and understanding socio-cultural influences of that process. Her specific area of focus is sexual violence. She has a passion for visual research methodologies and creative dissemination strategies to bridge the gap between science, practice, and the community. Ultimately, Dr. Sinko is interested in leveraging creative, survivor-centered research to bridge the gap between survivor lived experience, the scientific community, and policy makers. By amplifying these perspectives, Dr. Sinko’s goal is to create a more supportive healing world for survivors of violence and abuse.
Zeynep Zonp, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing
Dr. Zonp is a mental health nurse, psychiatric rehabilitation practitioner and family counselor. She completed a 2 year international post-doctoral research fellowship funded from TUBITAK in the field of gender-based violence (GBV). Her research interests include culture, trauma recovery, metacognition and healing after GBV. Dr. Zeynep Zonp Özaslan is leading a multisite team in Türkiye and Muslim women immigrants in the US.