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Mixed Method Strategies

Mixed research methods rely on creative ways to transform data. One transformation strategy is to examine qualitative data to detect subgroupings of survivors along some kind of dimension. Our research has shown us that one dimension that may have explanatory or predictive power is the trauma recovery process itself. Another dimension that has promise is the examination of the renderings that are created by the survivors in the CENI interviews, specifically the body maps, the lifelines and the card sort.

Trauma recovery rubric

Our international teams in the US, Japan and Greece have identified 6 dimensions across 7 trauma recovery pathways. The dimensions include Trauma Definition; Balancing emotions, body, cognition, and behavior; Acceptance of trauma impact; Holistic self-view; Autonomous Empowered functioning; and Engagement in a Supportive Social Network.

Body map circumplex

The body maps created by survivors show considerable variation, but we have discovered that these variations can be used as metrics to explore the body maps across cultures. We have created 5 circumplexes that examine these dimensions and can by employed in cross-cultural comparisons of qualitative data.

Card sort data

The card sort data contains a wealth of information that can be explored. Comparisons of key feelings as well as analysis of similarities and differences can be combined with other qualitative themes and survey data for theory testing.