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Service provider

Here we focus on resources and information for service providers who want to support the recovery process of survivors.



Addressing intimate partner violence with clients:

  • This article provides a lot of information to professionals on how to treat women who have experienced intimate partner violence.

Common Therapy Approaches to Help You Heal from Trauma:

  • This article explains common therapies that are used to help survivors heal from trauma.

Helping patients cope with a traumatic event:

  • This article provides professions with information on how to help patients cope with trauma.

Treating Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence:

  • This article provides a detailed guide to professionals on how to treat women who have experienced intimate partner violence.


MacIntosh, H. (2003). Sounds of healing: music in group work with survivors of sexual abuse. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 17-23.

  • This publication explains that research supports both the physiological and psychological benefits of employing musical therapies, and musical therapies are helpful when coping with trauma.

Schouten, K., de Niet, G., Knipscheer, J., Kleber, R., & Hutschemaekers, G. (2015). The Effectiveness of Art Therapy in the Treatment of Traumatized Adults. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 16(2), 220-228.

  • This publication explains how there is evidence that art therapy interventions are beneficial and effective in treating trauma.

Workshops and Programs

Traumatology Institute Online Training Zone:

  • This website has many workshops and programs which provide professionals with training to help survivors cope with trauma.

Upcoming Trainings and Workshops by Dr. Fisher and Her Colleagues:

  • This website has numerous workshops which train professionals on helping clients cope with trauma.


  • This website provides many workshops and programs to train professionals to help survivors with trauma.