Photo-Experiencing and Reflective Listening (PEARL)は、個人が自分の周りの世界に対する反応を探り、訓練を受けた思いやりのある証人と一緒にその経験を振り返るプロセスです。PEARLは、経験のサンプリング、マインドフルな自己認識、トラウマを考慮したインタビューの利点を利用して、個人が自分の環境を新しい方法で見て、特定のトピックについての考えや感情に影響を与える人、状況、環境に気づくことを可能にします。
In the PEARL, participants are asked to notice their day-to-day moments around them and capture them via photography. In this way, participants are able to recognize their experiences in the present moment and be mindful, in attempt to highlight inner self processes that may not be captured through typical question and answer interview formats. In our studies, we have found that this method facilitates problem identification and subsequent meaning-making through self-reflective techniques, allowing the participant and researcher to gain new insights about a phenomena of interest by discussing the daily experiences of the participant.
Watch a short video of the CENI-Pearl as a research and clinical instrument HERE.